Week of October 24th

 6th Grade Assignment

Students, and in fact all citizens, need to have an awareness and understanding of valid ways that predictions, comparisons and, ultimately, decisions are made from data.  This data can be in numerical form or displayed on a graph.  Understanding probability and statistics adds to making informed decisions. A good example would be for students to think statistically when deciding whether it is a good idea whether or not to buy lottery tickets based on the odds of winning. In this lesson, we will begin to look at a very simplified form of analyzing data and seeing it put into a circle graph.  Students will have already done a class survey comparing a company of their choice and that company's competitors.  Click here to find out your odds of winning the lottery.

Good Afternoon 6th graders:

Here are your directions for today's assignment.  You may work with your partner on this assignment and turn in one pie chart for both members of your group.  Please use the Microsoft Excel help link that is included on the right side of this blog.

Download: Pie Chart (right click to save, left click to open)

Overview: A generic 8 item pie chart can be dynamically altered with custom data and labels.

Sample chart of Mr. Krim's favorite foods.
  • Open the spreadsheet on yours or your partner's computers.
  • The spreadsheet will allow you to enter data and labels for up to 8 items, while dynamically updating the pie chart.
  • Begin by replacing the labels in the table with the words you want. Use the class survey of your company and their competition to fill in the labels and data. Click here for designing a survey.
  • Next replace the data in the table with the values you want
  • Click on and change the "Chart Title" in the graph to give a name to your survey.
  • This is a good way to generate a quick graph in class.  
  • Print your data sheets and pie charts when you are finished and put them in your grade level and period folder on the round table. 
  • Math - Grade 5 - Data Analysis and Probability
    #1 - Read, construct and interpret frequency tables, circle graphs and line graphs.
  • Math - Grade 6 - Data Analysis and Probability
    #1 - Read, construct and interpret line graphs, circle graphs and histograms. 

 Please write 3 complete sentences in your tech log that answers the following question.  Based on the results of your surveys predict what companies will have the best chance to survive in our current economy and why?


Once you have completed the circle graph and answered the question above return to your PowerPoint project on your company introduction.  You will need to add a slide to your project.  Under "layout" pick the comparison slide design and click on the column graph to add a chart into your presentation.  Enter the same data from your surveys and the pie chart that you just completed and then add the appropriate labels to complete a column type chart. 


 Check out this Data Grapher interactive web page as it can be used to analyze data with bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, and pictographs. All you have to do is follow the directions on the page and you will be amazed at the power of the data grapher.  To navigate to the Data Grapher, click here or copy and paste this URL http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivityDetail.aspx?ID=204  into the address bar.

Have a great day.

Lesson Design Courtesy of Eric Curtis
North Canton City Schools